This musical series takes place four years before the events of "Grease;" four fed-up outcasts dare to have fun on their own terms, sparking a moral panic that will change Rydell High forever.
This musical series takes place four years before the events of "Grease;" four fed-up outcasts dare to have fun on their own terms, sparking a moral panic that will change Rydell High forever.
演员:提图斯·维里沃 米密·罗杰斯 麦迪逊·林茨 Denise G. Sanchez 马克·阿特伯里 Patrick Brennan Rafael Cabrera 杰西卡·卡马乔 Stephen A. Chang 布鲁斯·戴维森 大卫·丹曼 Anthony Gonzales 曼尼·斯特里茨 马克斯·马蒂尼 Jared Shipley 盖·威尔逊